Security - Temporal Nexus
Temporal Nexus is now Generally Available. Learn why you should use Nexus in the evaluation guide.
Temporal Cloud has built-in Nexus security. It provides secure Nexus connectivity across Namespaces with an mTLS secured Envoy mesh. Workers authenticate to their Namespace with mTLS client certificates or API keys, as allowed by their Namespace. Encryption for Nexus payloads is also supported, for example using shared symmetric keys and compatible Data Converters.
Registry roles and permissions
Nexus Endpoints are Account-scoped resources, similar to a Namespace. The following roles and permissions are required to manage and view Nexus Endpoints in the Nexus Registry:
- Viewing and browsing the full list of Nexus Endpoints in an Account:
- Read-only role (or higher)
- Managing a Nexus Endpoint (create, update, delete):
- Developer role (or higher) and Namespace Admin permission on the Endpoint’s target Namespace
Runtime access controls
The Nexus Registry allows setting Endpoint access policy on each Endpoint. This currently includes an allow list of caller Namespaces that can use the Endpoint at runtime. Endpoint access control policies are enforced at runtime:
- Caller's Worker authenticates with their Namespace as they do today with mTLS certificates or API keys. This establishes the caller's identity and caller Namespace.
- Caller Workflow executes a Nexus Operation on a Nexus Endpoint.
- Endpoint access control policy is enforced, checking if the caller Namespace is in the Endpoint allow list.
See Runtime Access Controls and Configuring Runtime Access Controls for additional details.
Secure connectivity
Nexus Endpoints are only privately accessible from within a Temporal Cloud and mTLS is used for all Nexus communication, including across cloud cells and regions. Workers authenticate to their Namespaces through mTLS or an API key as allowed by their Namespace configuration.

Nexus Security
See Nexus Secure Connectivity for additional details.
Payload encryption
For payload encryption, the DataConverter works the same for a Nexus Operation as it does for other payloads sent between a Worker and Temporal Cloud.
See Nexus Payload Encryption & Data Converter for additional details.