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What does the main Background Check Workflow Definition look like?

This is the entry point of the Temporal Application. When a new Background Check is started, this is the function that executes.


// BackgroundCheck is a Workflow Definition that calls for the execution of a variable set of Activities and Child Workflows.
// This is the main entry point of the application.
// It accepts an email address as the input.
// All other personal information for the Candidate is provided when they accept the Background Check.
func BackgroundCheck(ctx workflow.Context, input *BackgroundCheckWorkflowInput) (*BackgroundCheckWorkflowResult, error) {
w := newBackgroundCheckWorkflow(
Email: input.Email,
Tier: input.Tier,
SearchResults: make(map[string]interface{}),
SearchErrors: make(map[string]string),

// The query returns the status of a background check and is used by the API to build the report at the end.
err := workflow.SetQueryHandler(ctx, BackgroundCheckStatusQuery, func() (BackgroundCheckState, error) {
return w.BackgroundCheckState, nil
if err != nil {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, err

// Send the candidate an email asking them to accept or decline the background check.
response, err := w.waitForAccept(ctx, w.Email)
if err != nil {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, err

w.Accepted = response.Accepted

// If the candidate declined the check, let the hiring manager know and then end the workflow.
if !w.Accepted {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, w.sendDeclineEmail(ctx, activities.HiringManagerEmail)

w.CandidateDetails = response.CandidateDetails

// Update our status search attribute. This is used by our API to filter the background check list if requested.
err = w.pushStatus(ctx, "running")
if err != nil {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, err

// Run an SSN trace on the SSN the candidate provided when accepting the background check.
w.SSNTrace, err = w.ssnTrace(ctx)
if err != nil {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, err

// If the SSN the candidate gave us was not valid then send a report email to the Hiring Manager and end the workflow.
// In this case all the searches are skipped.
if !w.SSNTrace.SSNIsValid {
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, w.sendReportEmail(ctx, activities.HiringManagerEmail)

// Start the main searches, these are run in parallel as they do not depend on each other.

var primaryAddress string
if len(w.SSNTrace.KnownAddresses) > 0 {
primaryAddress = w.SSNTrace.KnownAddresses[0]

// We always run the FederalCriminalSearch
FederalCriminalSearchWorkflowInput{FullName: w.CandidateDetails.FullName, KnownAddresses: w.SSNTrace.KnownAddresses},

// If the background check is on the full tier we run more searches
if w.Tier == "full" {
StateCriminalSearchWorkflowInput{FullName: w.CandidateDetails.FullName, KnownAddresses: w.SSNTrace.KnownAddresses},
MotorVehicleIncidentSearchWorkflowInput{FullName: w.CandidateDetails.FullName, Address: primaryAddress},

// Verify their employment if they provided an employer
if w.CandidateDetails.Employer != "" {
EmploymentVerificationWorkflowInput{CandidateDetails: w.CandidateDetails},

// Wait for all of our searches to complete.

// Send the report email to the Hiring Manager.
return &w.BackgroundCheckState, w.sendReportEmail(ctx, activities.HiringManagerEmail)

The sequence that the code defines can be represented in the following diagram:

Swim lane diagram of the Main Background Check Workflow Execution