Temporal Commands reference
A Command is a requested action issued by a Worker to the Temporal Service after a Workflow Task Execution completes.
The following is a complete list of possible Commands.
This Command is triggered when the Workflow Function Execution returns. It indicates to the Temporal Service that the Workflow Execution is complete. The corresponding Event for this Command is one of the few Events that will be the last in a Workflow Execution Event History.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: WorkflowExecutionCompleted
This Command is triggered when there is a call to Continue-As-New from within the Workflow. The corresponding Event for this Command is one of the few Events that will be the last in a Workflow Execution Event History.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNew
This Command is triggered when the Workflow Execution returns an error or an exception is thrown.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: WorkflowExecutionFailed
This Command is triggered when the Workflow has successfully cleaned up after receiving a Cancellation Request (which will be present as WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEvent in the Event History). The Corresponding Event for this Command is one of the few Events that will be the last in a Workflow Execution Event History.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: WorkflowExecutionCanceled
This Command is triggered by a call to spawn a Child Workflow Execution.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: ChildWorkflowExecutionStarted
By default, you cannot have more than 2,000 pending Child Workflows.
This Command is triggered by a call to Signal another Workflow Execution.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated
By default, you cannot have more than 2,000 pending Signals to other Workflows.
This Command is triggered by a call to request cancellation of another Workflow Execution.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated
By default, you cannot have more than 2,000 pending Signals to other Workflows.
This Command is triggered by a call to execute an Activity.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: ActivityTaskScheduled
By default, you cannot schedule more than 2,000 Activities concurrently.
This Command is triggered by a call to request the cancellation of an Activity Task.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: ActivityTaskCancelRequested
This Command is triggered by a call to start a Timer.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: TimerStarted
This Command is triggered by a call to cancel a Timer.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: TimerCanceled
This Command is triggered by the SDK.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: MarkerRecorded
This Command is triggered by a call to "upsert" Workflow Search Attributes.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributes
This Command helps guarantee ordering constraints for features such as Updates.
This Command points at the message from which the Event is created. Therefore, just from the Command, you can't predict the resulting Event type.
This Command is triggered by a call to execute an Nexus Operation in the caller Workflow.
- Awaitable: Yes, a Workflow Execution can await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: NexusOperationScheduled
By default, you can't schedule more than 30 Nexus Operations concurrently, see Limits for details.
This Command is triggered by a call to request the cancellation of a Nexus Operation.
- Awaitable: No, a Workflow Execution can not await on the action resulting from this Command.
- Corresponding Event: NexusOperationCancelRequested